houseplant Guide
Finding a spider mite infestation on the leaves of your favorite plant is enough to give any indoor gardener a massive headache. Here, you'll learn how to identify, treat, and prevent an outbreak of spider mites on indoor plants.
Spider mites are tiny pests that are hard to see with the naked eye but can significantly damage plant leaves. Left unchecked, spider mites can rapidly spread throughout houseplant collections, and heavy infestations can even kill an entire plant.
Spider mites can be found in nature, and if you keep your windows open in the summer, these tiny arachnids can float right into your home in the breeze and wind up on your house plants!
To confirm that you have a spider mite infestation, place a piece of paper beneath an affected plant and shake the plant’s leaves over the paper. If you’re dealing with spider mites, the mites will fall off the plant, and you’ll be able to see small white spots moving around on the paper.
The best way to avoid having a spider mite problem in your home is to always inspect new plants carefully, paying particular attention to the undersides of the leaves
If you notice spider mites on your plants, the first thing to do is to isolate the infested plants immediately. After that, spray your plants with neem oil, horticultural oil, or insecticidal soap in a spray bottle.
You can also wipe plant leaves down with a damp cloth with rubbing alcohol or mix a teaspoon of rosemary oil into a quart of water and treat your plants.
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