Peperomia Caperata  (Ripple Peperomia)  Growing Guide

If you’re in the market for a compact houseplant that’s as sweet as can be, here’s the one for you. This is all about growing a Peperomia caperata or Ripple Peperomia.

The one you see here is the Silver Ripple Peperomia. The Emerald Ripple Peperomia and Red Ripple Peperomia are different Peperomia varieties within the caperata species.

This is in general a slow grower. Here in sunny, warm Tucson, many of my indoor plants grow fast. This is a slow to moderate growing plant for me.

Mine is growing in all-day bright indirect light. It’s 4? away from a north-facing window in my kitchen and receives no direct sun but a hefty amount of indirect sunlight in the morning.

Their root system is small just like the plant. Ripple Peperomias don’t need repotting often (every 4-6 years if not stressed from being potbound) as they stay compact and don’t grow fast.

The DIY succulent mix I use contains coco chips and coco coir which Peperomias love. I also throw in a few handfuls of compost and top with worm compost for some extra goodness.

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They do flower but don’t look for anything big and showy. The flowers are tiny, green, and appear in clusters on the ends of fleshy stems.

This tropical plant would love to be misted! Misting weekly would be a good idea.

Use link below for full guide on  Ripple Peperomia Care

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