A Guide To Repotting Hoya Kerrii (Sweetheart Hoya)


This guide outlines Hoya Kerrii repotting including when to do it, the soil mix to use, steps to take, the aftercare, and other things good to know.

The best time for repotting this plant is in spring and summer. Early fall is fine too if you’re in a more temperate climate like the one I live in here in Tucson, Arizona.

These tropical plants love a rich mix that gives excellent drainage that has some wood, like coco chips or orchid bark, in it.

First thing, I watered the Hoya 2-3 days before this project. A dry plant is stressed, so I ensure my indoor plants are watered 2- 4 days in advance.

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Put a layer of newspaper in the bottom of the pot if it has a lot of drain holes. Eventually, the newspaper will disintegrate but for now, it’s going to help keep the soil mix inside of the pot for the first few waterings.

Place plant in a spot with bright, indirect light after repotting, this plant needs a good amount of light to stay looking its best.

Resume the regular watering schedule once the soil is almost completely dry. Because they store water in their stems and fleshy leaves, watering too often will “mush” them out.

Use link below for full guide on Repotting Hoya Kerrii

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