It’s true, that most succulents keep on giving in terms of the cuttings you’ll get, but Hens and Chicks really hit the mark. The growth structure of H & C is what allows it to be so plentiful.
The mother plant, which is called the Hen, grows in a rosette form. It sprouts smaller rosettes via lateral stems. The Chick plants (babies) root themselves and grow in an abundance. Just look at the picture and you’ll see tons of babies.
The growing season for Hens & Chicks is spring and summer. This is when you will see new plants or chicks grow off of the parent plant. They are slow to moderate growers under the right conditions.
Hens & Chicks need plenty of outdoor sunlight to thrive and reproduce. If planted in the year-round partial sun they won’t have as vivid of colors. However, if you live in a hotter climate, n the summer afternoon shade is preferred.
H & C require little water once they become mature plants. Succulents hold water in their fleshy leaves and are subject to root rot.
The plant hardiness zones on the Sempervivum tectorum is a wide range, the USDA hardiness range is 5-10.
Like other succulent plants, Hens & Chicks need to grow in fast-draining soils with adequate aeration.
Hens and chicks reproduce offsets/babies through lateral stems. With some, the babies grow off the mother plant and can be removed by pulling them off. With others, I’ve cut them off.
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