Gardening Guide
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If you’ve ever thought about growing basil in pots, this guide will teach you how to grow sweet basil, Thai basil, lemon basil, and other basil favorites in a small container garden.
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The best time to start basil seeds indoors is in early spring. Basil can be planted in either seed starting trays or pots, but the seeds will need warm temperatures and a window with a bright exposure or a grow light to germinate.
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Whether you started basil from seeds or purchased nursery starts, young seedlings can be transplanted outdoors after the danger of frost has passed.
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Indoor basil should receive about 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily. Locating your basil in a sunny spot near a south-facing window is recommended, but you can also use a grow light.
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Outdoor basil can be grown in full sun, but it may benefit from some light afternoon shade, particularly in hot weather. When exposed to too much bright light, basil leaves can suffer from sunscald and start to discolor.
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You can harvest basil throughout the growing season by pinching off leaves as needed for fresh salads and other recipes. Fresh basil can be stored in your fridge for about 7 to 10 days.
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