Houseplant Guide

Caring For Monstera Adansonii

This popular indoor plant is commonly called Swiss Cheese Vine as well as Five Holes Plant and Adanson’s Monstera.

Light/Exposure They prefer and do best in bright, natural light—what I would call a moderate exposure. Near but not in a window is good. They’ll tolerate low light but you’ll see little if any growth and the plant will become very spindly.

Watering I water my 8in Monstera adansonii when the soil mix is 1/2 – 3/4 of the way dry. That tends to be every 7 – 9 days in the warmer months and every 14 – 20 days when winter comes around.

Humidity  Like all tropical plants, the Monstera adansonii loves humidity. If the leaves of yours are showing tiny brown tips, that’s a reaction to the dry air in our homes.

Ways To Increase Humidity




If yours look stressed and you think it’s due to lack of humidity, fill the saucer with pebbles and water. 

Take your plant to the sink and spray the foliage and leave it in there for an hour or so to temporarily up the ante on the humidity factor

Misting the plant a couple of times a week is another option.

Fertilizer My Monstera adansonii gets fertilized with Maxsea, Sea Grow, Grow Big, or Liquid Kelp seven times during the growing season. It’s how I feed my tropical plant collections. I alternate using these granular and liquid fertilizers and don’t mix them.

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