The Bamboo Garden At The San Diego Botanic Garden

San Diego Bamboo Garden

Blue skies, sunshine, warm November temperatures, 4 miles of trails and 3,300 varieties of plants – we were in horticultural heaven! The SDBG encompasses 35 acres with many different types of plants from all over the world over a very diverse topography – we definitely got a good day of exercise in. And it is here where you will find our country’s largest collection of Bamboo.

We wandered through the Bamboo grove marveling at the patterns of light these majestic beauties create. Although they are clumpers and not runners, these Bamboo would not be suited for the average yard so best to look at them here. We met up with one of the gardeners as he worked who told us that it was “super fresh” to be in the garden first thing in the morning because of the oxygen they give off. Of course I know all plants give off oxygen but then did a little research on Squidoo and learned an interesting fact. Bamboo, as it grows, reduces greenhouse gases because it absorbs carbon dioxide and produces oxygen. Bamboo naturally absorbs 2/3 more carbon dioxide and releases 2/3 more oxygen than any other plant. Plus, it’s biodegradable – now that’s the whole package!

Bamboo description
Gorgeous bamboo
Nell in the bamboo garden
Bamboo in San Diego

Bamboo growing in San Diego
Garden of bamboo
Bamboo seeds
Bamboo garden

The mission of the San Diego Botanic Garden is “To inspire people of all ages to connect with plant & nature.” And that’s exactly what we did!

Bamboo in San Diego
Nell in the bamboo
Gorgeous lilly pad

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