How to Care for String of Pearls

The String Of Pearls plant had me at first sight.

I knew this was a plant I wanted for my very own one day. When I moved to Santa Barbara, quite a few pots had been left behind at my new home by the previous owner. I zoomed in on one of them for a String of Pearls.

Fortunately, they’re easy to find here. Four years ago I bought a 2″ plant and in it went into the large pot on the patio outside my dining room planted along with the Coprosma, Plectranthus, and whatever seasonal annuals catch my fancy. It grew fairly fast and tends to trail rather than spread so I figured it was time for a little propagation.

strings of the string of pearl plant on top of a grey rustic background

Posts With More Details About Growing A String Of Pearls Plant (newer to older)

  1. Answering Your Questions About String Of Pearls
  2. Repotting A String Of Pearls Plant
  3. Growing String Of Pearls Plants Indoors: 10 Common Problems You May Have
  4. Propagating A String Of Pearls Plant
  5. String Of Pearls Plant Flowers
  6. Growing A String Of Pearls Plant Outdoors
  7. String Of Pearls Houseplant Care
  8. Rejuvenating My String Of Pearls Plant

Propagating A String Of Pearls

As evident in the picture above, I’ve been cutting them off when they hit the ground. They trail down about 3′. Where they’ve been cut, a split or 2 occurs. From there, they keep on growing from there.

This would usually trigger any other plant to spread but with this one, it just keeps growing lengthwise and not widthwise. So it was time to pull out my floral nips (their long pointed blades are great for taking cuttings) and get busy.

I cut off a few of those long, slender stems and stripped the top round leaves (aka “the pearls) off so I could stick those stems right back into the pot.  I make sure at least 3 or 4 leaf nodes are down into the soil – that’s where the roots emerge from.

This pot is filled with good organic potting soil and regularly top-dressed with both compost and worm compost so no soil prep is necessary here. I have lots of succulents in my yard which I normally heal off. But, with these stems being so minuscule in diameter, I skip that step and directly plant them back in.

Read about my worm compost/compost feeding right here.

How to Care for String of Pearls (outdoors)

The light exposure is bright but not direct – the Coprosma shades it from any direct afternoon sunlight. Soil that is well-drained, such as potting soil or cactus mix, is very important because they like to completely dry out between waterings.

Those round little pearls store water in them. Like any succulent, what I am going to tell you next is important to its survival:

Do not overwater this plant.

I can selectively and routinely water the Coprosma, Plectranthus, and annuals. This gives the String of Pearls a drink when I feel it needs it.

As for insects and diseases, mine stays free and clear. So, there’s no personal advice I can give on that.

By the way, they do flower but the small white, fuzzy blooms are pretty insignificant when it comes to size. But boy, they are sweetly scented! This plant is popular because it’s unusual and a conversion piece, not for a showy flower display.

Warning: This is an old video!

string of pearls plant close up, you can see the resemblance of the leaves with real pearls. They look like pearls but are green

Those adorable little leaves which I call “peas.”

Want to learn more about How to Care for Succulents Indoors? Check out these guides!

Well, there you have it, how to care for String Of Pearls (outdoors) in a nutshell. String Of Pearls plants are most commonly sold as houseplants, so be sure and check out those more current posts listed at the top.

Happy gardening,


Additional Care Guides on Succulents

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  1. Hi: Found your site and this article in particular when looking up “sring of pearls” online. I grew a very nice one from a few “pearls” given to me by a friend in the 70’s, and kept it as an indoor plant since we lived in the Chicago area. Then I had babies, we moved to Florida, and the only gardening I did was whatever was necessary – and very few indoor plants. The children are grown and living back in Chicago, but we’ve moved to the Houston, TX area and I’ve gotten really interested in succulents (a great area to grow them outside here!) I’ve aquired a few oddities from clippings from friends: life saver plant, snake plant, etc. and thought of string of pearls to add to my collection but have not seen it in years..

    1. Lillia – Succulents are so easy to take care of & propagate that you’ll be addicted to them in no time. You should be able to find String of Pearls in Houston – I know of one large succulent nursery near there called “Cactus King Nursery”. I’m sure your neighbors have some cuttings to share. We frequently do posts on succulents so be sure to check back. Thank you for your message!

  2. I’ve just purchased what I’ve always called a String of Beads plant. I’ve wanted one since I first saw one as a kid. Thank you for sharing how you care for these. I assumed that they would be similar to the String of Hearts plant, but can see that they are quite a bit different after having transplanted mine from the plastic pot it came in to a ceramic pot I had on hand. I was thankful that I had cactus soil on hand. Having mentioned it, do you happen to have a String of Hearts?

    1. You are certainly welcome – my String of Pearls is very happy & just loves the spot it’s in. I don’t have a String Of Hearts (also commonly called Rosary Vine) but they are very easy plants to maintain also. And yes, you’re certainly right, they are different. String of Pearls is a Senecio & String of Hearts is a Ceropegia.

  3. I live in Phoenix. I found a source for string 0f pears on e-bay. It got t me in great shape and I’ve shared cuttings with neighbors and friends. They only grow indoors here of course.

    1. Paula – I used to live in Tucson so that hot sun would be way to intense for them. They are great house plants & easy to propagate. I’ve given cuttings away to my friends & neighbors too.

  4. I found a source for string-of-pearls on eBay and my strands are growing beautifully, happy in a wall vase on our covered porch. My question now is: how low of a temperature will they tolerate? Or any succulent plant ? I’ve never grown them outside and we are predicted to have a cold winter here. It hasn’t gone below freezing, but I am concerned that it could while we are traveling over the holidays. Should I take them indoors?

    1. Hi Lilla – We rarely go below freezing or even 40 degrees here in Santa Barbara & min stays outdoors all year long. I’ve heard they’re hardy to 25 degrees but I would think 30-35 would be a much safer bet. There are so many succulents it’s hard to generalize. Some are much more cold hardy than others. I would take your String of Pearls indoors while you’re traveling – a cold snap could do it in. If you’re home & they’re predicting cold temps than try covering it. Happy Holidays!

  5. Hi there,
    How funny! When searching for string of pearls propogation I found your youtube video. I did another search for string of pearls care and came up with this one. The best part was recognizing the plant at the top of your blog post “Hmm.. that pot and trail of pearls looks just like the one in the youtube video”. I had posted a question on youtube so I won’t repeat myself here, but thanks for all the info on this little plant!

    1. You’re welcome – glad you found them both. As a matter fact I was just doing a little pruning on that plant yesterday!

  6. Hi there! Found your post on Pinterest. I do have a String of Pearls plant that I love, but I can’t seem to keep it alive :(. The “strings” that hang down are pretty healthy, but there’s a clump at the “top” of my pot that are short and have dried up. At first I thought I overwatered it, but after being out of town for about 5 days I figured it would be ok and now it looks even less healthy :(. Any advice would be much appreciated! Thank you for this article :).

    1. Hi Yajaira – I see you love succulents too! String Of Pearls is one succulent that likes water in the warmer months. Depending on how hot the spot is where you have it, you’d need to water it every 2-3 weeks keeping it lightly moist. In the cooler months, back off on the watering. Make sure the water drains all the way through it & out the bottom. Don’t let it stand in any water. Make sure the light is nice & bright but not direct & burning. Hope that helps – happy gardening. Nell

  7. Hi Nell!! Love your website and blog. Just getting into more house plants at the moment and bought a medium sized string of pearls. But while at the checkout realised it wasn’t looking so healthy on top, got a discount and now trying to work out how to salvage the little thing. I think it’s rots have rotted from over watering or something… I think I’ll try and propagate a couple of strings or should i propagate most of it? Any advice would be amazing! Thank you so much 😀

    1. Thank you – we’ll be launching our new website in a few weeks so be sure to come back & visit our site! String Of Pearls is a succulent so you most likely over watered it. You might as well propagate all of it because this plant doesn’t grow too fast. Let the stems heel off for a few weeks & then replant them into succulent & cactus mix. Good luck with that – &, keep them on the drier side. Nell

  8. Oceanside, CA For years I have purchased the string of pearls plant. I just love the looks of them. The Nuns at school (Years ago…) called them the “Rosary-bead vine”
    I have been very unlucky with this plant though… I thought I was supposed to plant the Beads (seeds I thought) so I was never successful at propagating it and would end up with a plant with a few strings, and try to water it whenever I could till it kinda just rotted. I am going to find a new one here and follow your directions!! Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge with us! God Bless, ellen

    1. Hi Ellen – Rosary Vine or String of Hearts is another plant & not this Senecio. However, they certainly do resemble rosary beads! Go easy on the watering (they do need more in the warmer months) & you’re plant should be just fine. I love sharing information & I’m glad you found it helpful because that’s why I do it. All the best to you, Nell

  9. Hi there, I enjoy reading all of your article. I wanted
    to write a little commentt to support you.

  10. Purchased a Strong of Pearls plant in September from a market in Florida. It was not a large plant but had plenty of 4-6 in strings. I brought it home and placed it in indirect sunlight window with other plants that thrive there. The S O P plant turned dark at the soil and began to die off it appeared..yet the ends of the strings stayed green. The soil area is all brown now. Could I have overwatered it??? Or underwatered it? Its now Jan. What to do!???

    1. Hi Shirley – Because the plant turned dark at the soil line, it sounds like you overwatered it. If the “pearls” are looking dry & shriveled a bit, then it dried out. I’m not sure if your other plants are succulents too. If they’re not & you’re watering them at the same time as the SOP plant, then it’s too much. SOPs are succulents which store water in their leaves & stems & especially in the winter, then need even less water. If the pearls are looking fine, you can cut the strings off, heel the stems a bit then replant. Hope that helps! Nell

  11. I grew this as a beautiful indoor hanging plant for years….it was in a corner window that got constant year around light but very little direct sunlight. It trailed pearls about 5 feet in length and never had any problems. Sadly, I moved and my new place gets very little light. My chain of pearls died. I didn’t want to give up so I tried again twice to grow a new one – with the same results. So, I think the key is LOTS of indirect light!

    1. Hi Jackie – Thanks for sharing what you’ve learned! I haven’t grown 1 indoors in ages. Mine grows outdoors & I have it in a spot where it gets indirect light. Succulents (not cacti) with water-filled leaves & stems actually burn in direct sunlight in nature. Fortunately, there are other plants (no succulents) which do well in low light situations. Nell

  12. So elated I found your website and boards to pin. Just bought my String of Pearls from Amazon. Looks great but as soon I unboxed realized it was way too wet. Will place under grow lights to see if that will help it to dry out. Keep up the ideas.

    1. Hi Diane – Glad you found us! String of Pearls is a succulent that takes a little more water than most because those stems are so skinny & don’t store a lot of water. However, it doesn’t like to be soaking wet so let it dry out a bit so those roots can breath. We have a lot more videos & posts coming your way. Happy gardening, Nell

  13. This is such a beautiful plant! I’ve had little luck with succulents in the past, but I think it was due to overwatering and inadequate drainage, and a simple lack of knowledge. I left my little collection on the porch of my last apartment when I moved, so I wonder if they’ve been nursed back to health…but I did just acquire an empty hanging basket and I think these would be great on my covered front porch. I live in Tucson, so I’ll have to see if these will work in that spot as the position of the sun moves going into summer. Fingers crossed! I’ll have to check back here for some more succulent info c:

    1. Hi Emily – Yes, I love String Of Pearls & am propagating some of the individual pearls right now. How coincidental, I’m coming to Tucson next week. I finished my college years at the U of A & know how hot it gets & how strong the sun is,especially in the summer. String of Pearls likes a little shade here in Southern California so be sure to keep it out of the sun where you are. And, it’s going to need more water too. Most fleshy succulents can take the heat but not the sun. Yes, please check back, lots of vlogs coming your way! All the best, Nell

  14. Hello all!!

    I’ve had my string of pearls plant for many years, it’s very happy in a southern facing window. Over the past year I’ve moved twice so I left my string of pearls in the care of family. ..who have loved it too much and had it sitting in standing water! I just received it home tonight and it’s in sad shape. I dumped any excess water and removed dead strands. I am a little nervous about reporting it in such a weakened state. Thoughts?

    1. Hi Carol – Too much water is the enemy of succulents! There are 2 things you can do & the choice is yours. Let it dry out thoroughly & take your chances that it recovers. Or, you can cut off all the living Strings Of Pearls, let them heel over (where the stems air dry) for about a week & then replant them in new, fresh succulent planting mix. FYI, if it were me, I’d do choice #2. Once a succulent is overwatered & starts to rot, it’s hard to get it to recover because the roots are water logged & deprived of oxygen. I hope that helps! Nell

  15. Howdy from Germany, I have my string of pearls in my kitchen on a shelf with partial light, it grows fairly slow and the pearls are actually flat not round . I do water once a week, but just a with little water. Now my question is do they just simply grow slow or is there anything else I can do? I had the plant for about 5 months but other than getting a little longer and dropping some of the pearls. By the way a Little FYI in Germany we call this plant Band of peas…..Greetings

    1. Hi Birgit – Greeting from California. This is a plant which grows much faster outdoors. Indoors, the growth is much slower. Also, know that all plants, even those indoors, don’t do any growing during the winter months. They don’t really need fertilizer but you could try giving it more light if you can. You should see more growth in the warmer months where the days are longer & sunlight is stronger. Hope that helps, Nell

  16. Hello! Great blog and YouTube video. Do you have any tips how to propogate just the pearls? I ordered a few succlent leafs online to propogate, and for the pearls all I received was three pearls!! Each pearl has a tiny nog where the stem was. Wondering of I should point that end in the soil or keep just above…thanks for any advice 😉

    1. Thank you Keri! Really, I should start selling String Of Pearls – 3 pearls, goodness. Yes, you stick the end that was attached to the stem in the soil. I put it on the top & press it in a hair – not too much. And, I mist the leaves once a week. Actually, I’m waiting for my pearls to root (they take a while!) & will be doing a video on this subject soon. Nell

  17. Are String Of Pearls poison. I have looked all over for these beauties and my brother found them in Texas. Can’t wait it get them. But wondered if they are poison. Thank you for all the info on taking care of them. Very helpful .

    1. Hi Elaine – You’re very welcome. String of Pearls are considered mildly toxic to cats & dogs but then again, so are so many other plants & houseplants. I’ve found that my cats like to chew on crunchy leaves like bromeliads & palms, not soft fleshy leaves. If its a concern to you, then hang it or put it out of their reach. Hope that helps, Nell

  18. Maybe a stupid question. Can I make new plants with just the beads in water or soil.

    Thanks for answering me.

    Monique (Québec)

    1. Hi Monique – Not a stupid at all – I’ve been asked that question a few times before & plan to do a video on it soon. Oh yes, you can propagate from the individual pearls but never in water. Make sure you have the end which came off the plant touching or lightly pressed into the soil. That’s the end which roots. The pearls are so small that a terra terra saucer will do fine. When I propagate the leaves of succulents, I lightly spray the soil twice a week. Try to avoid soaking the leaves if you can. Give them nice, bright light but no direct sunlight. I’ve found that it takes a while for the pearls to root so be patient. Hope that helps, Nell

  19. Hello, We just purchased our first String Of Pearls. I’m so excited to to have this gorgeous plant and feel, I’m armed with knowledge after reading your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your vast experience with us. l.johnson

    1. Thank you so much l.johnson. I have 3 String of Pearls plants now & love them. Just keep them out of hot sun because they will burn. And, I find they need a bit more water than most succulents because their stems are so small. Enjoy your pearls! Nell

  20. Love this plant too! I am off to the Garden Centre next weekend to find this plant.

    Keep your great video’s coming

    Wendy B. x

    1. Lots more videos in the queue Wendy! If you can’t find String Of Pearls locally, just remember, we have you covered because we sell cuttings. Nell

  21. Great info! If anyone is near the Mendocino Coast in California, there’s a wonderful succulent nursery, Simply Succulent, that has String of Pearls and thousands of other succulents and drought tolerant perennials. Located in Ft. Bragg, CA. I love this place.

    1. Hi Cheryl – Thanks for the tip, Northern California readers will appreciate that! I lived in San Francisco for 20 years & love that coast. And, thanks for visiting the blog! Happy gardening, Nell

  22. My SOP is in a oriental pot that has no holes in the bottom but I added rocks inside, it’s shriveled up and I don’t know what to do. Is cat us mix a must or can I sub it for regular potting mix with sand?

    1. Hi Rosie – Succulents require excellent drainage. As I say in some of my videos, succulent mix is not a necessity but it’s what I prefer. If you use potting soil, water even less because it holds more moisture than does the succulent mix. You can add coarse sand (just make sure it’s clean) or perlite to lighten your potting soil for your SOP. Hope that helps, Nell

  23. I have always loved string og pearls ? was over excited when I saw 1 little 4in plant at Walmart so much that I shared it with two other friends ! Sad to say theirs were dead within days and mine is bairly hanging on maybe 10 pearls ! Very hard to find in Wyoming for some reason . Ive been trying to just give it a spritz if it dies could be years before I see another one ! I had to have the florest order me astring of hearts which I paid plenty for and have shared with many . Your pearls are Awesome ! My Grandma use ti grow them in her hiuse

    1. Hi Angie – Sounds like you love String Of Pearls as much as I do! I now have 4 of them & don’t do anything to them except give them water every 2 weeks or so. You can propagate them from the individual pearls although it’s a much slower way to do it. Thanks for stopping by, Nell

  24. Hi . I live New York .I have grown String of Pearls as a house plant for years. I have a large kitchen window that warms nicely and gets lots of sun . When it get too long I just clip it and stick it back into the pot .In the winter when the heat is on and plants tend to dry out faster. I top it with a little moss . I have had my String of Pearls for about 6 yrs.

    1. Good to know Colleen, thanks for sharing so others can read & learn from what you’re doing right. It’s nice that your String Of Pearls has had longevity. Best, Nell

  25. Hi Nell

    I am wondering about getting a String of Pearls plant for our bathroom. It would go in a window that is not that bright, and it would also get quite a bit of steam as the ceiling is low. Do you think it would be ok in there? If not, could you recommend any other trailing plants that might?
    Many thanks! Beatrice

    1. Hi Beatrice – String Of Pearls would not be the best choice because they like brighter light & drier air. You can’t go won’t with Pothos, the old standby for low light. They come in many beautiful foliage colors & patterns now. Heartleaf Philodendron is another classic. Non-variegated Hoyas or Peperomias would be worth a try as many of them are tropical succulents. Hope the helps! Nell

  26. Hi Nell!

    I visit your site regularly and love your advice! I’m betting you’ve heard similar stories to mine by now but I wanted to share about my tough little string of pearls. I’m living in a tiny apartment in Nashville TN with two small north facing windows. Also, a big Bradford pear is growing right in front of them…so I pretty much have no natural light. But in spite of all that, my little s.o.p. from Home Depot has been growing like wild from the ends, sprouting all sorts of new peas. It hasn’t stretched out even though it is November and it seems to be very happy on my windowsill.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Hi Beth – That’s great to know, thank you for sharing! Sometimes when you buy plants from places like Home Depot they aren’t optimally cared for that’s a testament to how tough these delicate looking plants really are. I’m glad you’re enjoying my site, & stay tuned, because I have a lot of videos & posts planned for next year. Thank you for stopping by & a very Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Hugs from California, Nell

  27. Hi Nell!

    I visit your site regularly and love your advice! I’m betting you’ve heard similar stories to mine by now but I wanted to share about my tough little string of pearls. I’m living in a tiny apartment in Nashville TN with two small north facing windows. Also, a big Bradford pear is growing right in front of them…so I pretty much have no natural light. But in spite of all that, my little s.o.p. from Home Depot has been growing like wild from the ends, sprouting all sorts of new peas. It hasn’t stretched out even though it is November and it seems to be very happy on my windowsill.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  28. Hi Nell,
    I loved your video on “how to propagate strings of pearls’, I got 2 strings given to me by friends, I have managed to kill one string, not sure what I have done wrong, can you please help?
    this is what i have done since i got them:
    -I have left the end to dry when they were first cut off.
    -they are in succulent soil
    -water every 4 days to a week
    -its been almost a month, all pears in 1 string had all dried up and turned yellow

    Thanks for your help

    1. Hi Gabrielle – Thanks for watching the video – glad you enjoyed it. I let the ends dry off for a few days max because the stems are so narrow. If you’re watering every 4 days, that’s likely the cause. I propagate my String Of Pearls outdoors & water them every 7-10 days. Indoors, you may need to water less depending on the temps of your home. When propagating SOP, you don’t want the soil to dry out completely but you don’t want to keep it constantly moist. Make sure they’re in bright light but no direct sun. Hope that helps! Nell

  29. “By the way, they do flower but the small white, fuzzy blooms are pretty insignificant.”

    Oh, NO, not so!! I have mine hanging in the kitchen (it loves the humidity) and the aroma of the flowers is so intense when you enter the room that it stops you dead in your tracks. And it’s not the typical ‘sweet flower’ smell….it’s a warm cinnamony-cuminy wonderful spicy smell. So delicious!

    1. Hi Gail – My 7 String Of Pearls grow outdoors & 4 of them are currently in bloom. Our daytime temps are cooler now (the high 50’s, low 60’s) so the scent is not pronounced at all. I got up close to 1, sniffed & got a slight fragrance. I can imagine that in a warm kitchen the scent would be much more intense. Because they’re winter bloomers, I’ve never notice much of a scent. I was more referring to the size but thanks for pointing out the scent. I’ll change that in the post! Best, Nell

  30. Hi!!! I had never grown plants in my life and when I bought my first home years ago, I decided to go to a nursery to choose some plants. I had 2 gorgeous hanging pots that I bought once on a trip on the East Coast of Canada and decided that String of Pearls were going to look great in them. The person at the nursery also said that they loved a good drought between waterings – Perfect for the forgetful type like me! They were tiny when I first got them and hung them inside, on each side of my window in front the kitchen sink. The thrived there!!! They grew all the way down to the counter tops and I would constantly cut them, wish I had read this article sooner and would have put the cut stems right back in the soil for more coverage! Everyone loved these plants and definitely made for a great conversation piece. Sadly, we lost our home in a fire and I miss my plants so much. I’m sure to get another String of Pearls very soon!!!

    1. Hi Melissa – Thanks for sharing! I’m so sorry to hear about your home – I just can’t imagine loosing everything. I LOVE String Of Pearls & as a matter of fact, mine are all in bloom right now. The flowers are so sweetly fragrant which is another reason to love these interesting plants. And yes, keeping them on the dry side is much better than keeping them too wet. I hope you find a new one soon! All the best, Nell

  31. Hello Neil and Everyone…I also have and “LOVE” String of Pearls Plants…I have several pots growing at work in a South East window…They get the morning light. I give them a little water once a week, 1/2 strenght plant food once a month ..And take cutting about every 2 months even in the winter months… Then repot in 4 inch pots at home I now have these “Beautiful ” plants hanging in my kitchen and living room windows…The trick with these beautiful little plants is NOT to over water…DON’T plant them into deep over sized large pot as house plants. Mine love the glass or clay pots with good drainage..Place them in the right location with morning sun.. Then sit back and ” Enjoy ” watching them grow. They really are “Special”little plants, and everyone that visits me just LOVES THEM…

    1. Hi Jacquelyn – Thanks for sharing! And yes, everyone finds these plants fascinating. I have 7 of them, & they’re all in bloom now or have just recently bloomed. The flowers are so fragrant – yet another bonus. And with succulents I always say” “be easy with the liquid love” as you can overwater them in a heart beart. Happy (indoor) Gardening! Nell

  32. I apologize if this question has already been asked, I didn’t see it in my quick scan of the comments here. I’m having success propagating by stem cuttings, but what I’m wondering about it propagating by leaf. I have a bunch of just the ‘leaves’ also on the soil, just pushed in a little bit, cut end down. They are still green and are not shrivelling up or changing in any way that I can tell, but nothing else is happening either! Is it possible to have them grow this way or is it a lost cause? It has probably been a month. Thanks!

    1. Hi Heather – You can propagate this plant from the leaves, aka the pearls but to be honest, I’ve only tried a couple of times with a 50/50 success rate. I have had a very high success rate rooting the cuttings though. I’ve had some leaves lying on the surface now for a couple of months & still no roots. Nell

  33. Can SOP recover from sunburn? I recently moved and transitioned my hanging pot from indoors in northern CA to outdoors in southern CA. I noticed that the vines were turning a purple color and a few pearls. Can sunburned pearls rejuvenate or should I cut them? If cutting them is best do I remove the roots? Should I repot? They are currently flowering from some strands, is that a good indication of the dead stems vs. living? Thank you for all of your succulent wisdom!

    1. Hi Shardonnay – Yes, the sun here in Southern California is strong. I grow my SOP in part shade here in Santa Barbara. No, the pearls will not recover from sunburn. You need to cut them back & to rejuvenate them. I would hold off on the repotting until they start to recover. Yes, the flowering is a good sign – mine flowered like crazy this year. So sweet! Also, you might need to water your SOP more often here where it’s warmer. Hope that helps! Nell

  34. I had a beautiful SOP for years, and I disagree about the insignificance of the blossoms. If you hang your plant and let the strings mature and get long, you can get quite a display of blossoms. And they smell like cloves!

    Mine bit the dust after a pair of Mourning Doves made a nest in my pot, preventing me from watering the SOP and destroying the soil. I tried to transplant the remaining shriveled up strings into a bigger pot, but I learned the hard way that the best pots are ones with wide, rounded edges. Too sharp of an edge, and the weight of long strings will cause the strings to break or get pinched, preventing the water from getting from the roots to the strings.

    I’ve recently “inherited” a plastic pot of SOP and am going to try again with a more appropriate pot.

    1. Hi Barbara – I can so see your point about the flowers. I meant that they’re insignificant in terms of size & color. As I told another reader with your same view, mine all grow outdoors & flower in winter so the fragrance isn’t all that pronounced in the cooler weather. I took a sniff up close & yes, it is a delightful scent – both sweet & spicy. Gardening is all about learning from experience so thank you for sharing yours here. All the best, Nell

  35. I have not had success with string of pearls but I may have over watered. I’ve had them inside so I’m thinking I’m going to try them outside. I do have a string of bananas. Like the string of pearls but the leaves are shaped like a banana. I have them on my deck where they are protected and get bright light but no direct sun. Mine grow fast outside and the stems are several feet long. I don’t have a place to hang them but have them on a high shelf. To start new plants I just lay the end of the stems in a pot of soil and water until they take root then I cut them from the main plant. It’s kind of the lazy way to do it but I found for me it’s much more successful. I bought mine from Home Depot so they should be easy to find.

    1. Hi Tonya – I grow my SOPs outdoors & have great luck with them. I find that they need a little more water than other succulents but not as much as the average houseplant. I water mine outdoors every 2 weeks in the winter (when there’s no rain) & every week in the warmer months. Bright light is what they like. I have the String Of Bananas too & it puts out roots right off those hanging stems making propagation as easy as can be. Tanks for sharing! Nell

  36. Hi Nell. I found you on Hometalk and am so delighted to be able to read all the input. I have gardened for eons but learn so much from others. I lived in a mild climate then a few years ago I moved back to the Central Valley of California. Actually, near Stockton, California. Because we have 100+ degree weather during the summer I have to adjust my watering schedule accordingly. I also plant my succulents in potting mix because of the hot weather but also because of the drought. My string of bananas are all in potting soil. Sometimes I mix the potting soil with some cactus mix in but I always make sure there are good drainage holes. I envy your climate but I’ve developed a new passion with succulents.

  37. Hi,
    I live in New England and due to our varied (freezing winters) I keep my string of pearls indoors year round and it has done well for 2 yrs so far.

    1. Hi April – I was born & raised in New england so I remember those freezing winters. Thanks for sharing that your SOP has done well indoors as mine grow outdoors. Happy spring! Nell

  38. Im on attempt #4 in 10 years. Every time I have the same problem, root mold -rot- plant death.

    This time I specifically asked the florist how to care for it and now I see the problem – not one of these has ever had the soil you are recommending. They are all the super-rich humsy vermiculitey soil.

    So now that this last one was seemingly toast I have hope that I can save some of them with your method .

    Thanks for the vid and fun website!

    1. Tanya – You’re very welcome & I’m so glad that you found the info helpful! I’ve found that SOP like a wee bit more water than other succulents but they don’t like to be kept wet. That well drained cactus & succulent mix will help you keep from over watering them so they won’t rot out again. Also, be sure to back off on the watering in the cooler months when the plant is resting & soil naturally stays even wetter. Happy gardening! Nell

  39. Hi! Nell,
    I would like to learn more about the string of pearls and string of hearts. Many years ago I had both for a while, but didn’t have great luck with them. I do love them so much. Even at 77 yrs. I’m willing to learn about them and plan to purchase them. Do you have a site where I could go.
    Warm regards, Tommy

  40. I have always wanted a String of Pearls and was so excited to see one at a local hardware store this morning. I walked away from it and three hours later had to go back to buy it. Now, I find myself asking, “What have you done??” I live in Tucson. I have a wonderful macrame hanger that is a 2-tiered affair and there is an asparagus fern in the top. I think these precious little pearls would be beautiful in the bottom space. The hanger is in a patio, only gets morning sun. It does, however, get hot. It’s the desert. I have a small pond right next to the plant and I’m wondering if I need to create more humidity than that will provide?

    1. Hi Laura – Guess what … I’m moving from Santa Barbara to Tucson in a few weeks! I’m bring my String Of Pearls plants & will grow them on my covered patio. They are very susceptible to sunburn so even the morning sun in the summer in Tucson will probably be too strong for them. The humidity is not so much an issue so don’t worry about that. Just know that SOP can burn in a matter of an hour. At other times of year that exposure will be okay but not in summer. Also, Tucson can get cold spells in the winter so you may need to bring it indoors or cover. I’ll let you know how mine do – I’ve never grown fleshy succulents in the desert so I have some learning to do too! Best, Nell

  41. Is there a way to propogate from the actual “peas” that I cut off when I am making new cuttings? I thought I had heard a mention of it and now can’t find it anywhere on how to do that.

    1. Hi Holly – Yes, you can propagate from the actual “peas”. That being said, my luck with propagating the peas is about 50/50. simply place them on top of the mix, stem side down, & gently press a bit into the mix. You want to avoid keeping them too wet because they rot out easily. Hope that helps! Nell

  42. These little girls have been growing in my garden window–with morning sun–for 5 years. I very rarely give them water. Have noticed that they do not like direct sun (had some out on my front porch). Tends to make them very dark.
    Recently I transplanted some to the mantel in my living room. When the flowers bloomed the put out a cinnamon-like fragrance.
    They are a beautiful addition to any succulent arrangement.

    1. Yes Fran, the flowers are small but the scent is delightful. And you’re so right, they’ll burn in the hot sun. Mine grow in bright shade. Nell

  43. Hi! I’im super sad today. I purchased my very first String of Pearls a few weeks ago for a steep price. Hung them in a beautiful place in my living room, let the soil dry and then watered (sprayed the top soil to moisten) after I noticed them drying up. So, out of curiosity, I took the plant down to look at everything and they literally fell out of the soil.

    I make clippings of what could be salvaged and put them into water to try and propagate.

    Can you point me in the right direction please? I really want to save my beloved pearls 🙂

    1. Hi Jamie – String Of Pearls doesn’t like to be too wet or too dry so it can take a bit of experimentation to get the watering right. Because their stems are so narrow, I’ve found they take a bit more water than my other fleshy succulents with thick stems & fat leaves. You don’t want to root this succulent (or any other succulent for that matter) in water. Root them in a very loose mix. Nell

  44. I love these plants but need help, When I was first married I had one nursery that we would drive by and buy one and then kill it! I am now in San Antonio and they did well until the squirrels found them. They crawl down the rope (I hang them) and sit on the plant and eat the peas! So I ordered two more from Ebay and then was stuck in the hospital for 2 months. They were from 2 different people and my husband swore he didn’t do anything to them. But when they came, he said they immediately started turning black by the soil and then all of it died. Did they freeze coming through cold country? I can’t figure it out and I am trying to find more to order!!! help!!

    1. Hi Linda – Black leaves,in general, are a sign of cold damage or too much water. I was shipping SOP cuttings over the winter & none froze. They were either not packed correctly or kept too wet … or a combo of both. Hope that helps, Nell

  45. HI! I moved my clippings outside and they turned a darker green or greyish-green color and changed from plump and round to thin more oblong shape. I brought them back in a few weeks ago and no change, so not what they will do. Do you know what specifically might have caused this? Should I pull them out so as not to contaminate other healthy strings? And if a plant is used to growing indoors, is it not wise to tranfer it outside during the summer (zone 7a)? Thanks, Holly

  46. Haven’t had time to read all the posts today, but excited to learn about best soil. Question: does the edge of the pot matter–the stems are so fragile seems they could easily shear. Was given a sad little one at Home Depot, and stuck the stems in water–they have grown roots, and now need planting. Any advice?

    1. Hi Maxine – You want to plant your SOP cuttings in a mix which drains really well. I always use a succulent & cactus mix – different parts of the country carry different brands. I’ve potted them in tc pots with smoother edges & also in hanging grow pots with a “sharper” edges. Both have done well. Just be sure to keep your SOP out of extremely windy areas because they tend to break off. Nell

  47. Loved your video on the Pearls!! Some had broken off and I did not know what to do until your video so now I am rooting them again!
    Thank You so much!!

    1. Thank you Angie! I love SOP & am just about to repot mine next week – they’re such a fun plant to have. Happy gardening, Nell

  48. Thank you for this post. I have two pots of string of pearls and was wondering how to propagate them. Now I know! Glad I found this blog.

    1. You’re very welcome Jackie & I’m glad you found the blog too! I have a few SOP cuttings which I’ll be planting up in the next week or so. Nell

  49. Hi Nell….I live in the Pacific light is at a premium here!..I got my SOP this past June and after watching your video..have successfully propagated two new plants!! I just hope through winter they can make it. My question is should I wait till Spring before starting more cuttings? Ps had poor results with trying from the leaves. Thanks!!!

    1. Hi Freda – I just moved from the coast of CA to the AZ desert so the opposite is true for me now – I look for shade for my succulents! You can take cuttings now, but not too much later for best results. Spring & summer are the best time for taking cuttings because plants need to rest in the winter. Hope that helps! Nell

  50. Dear Nell, I have a pot of SOP which growing longer, new shoots, and even flowered. I thought my SOP was going really well until I went to the nursery today and saw another SOP which had bigger pearls and way greener/lusher looking pearls than my SOP! So… obviously I had to buy the better looking SOP from the nursery and I’ve taken some photos of the old and new SOP side by side and hope to pick your brains as to why they look so different and what I can do better!! My SOP gets direct afternoon sun after 1pm and I water once a week. It gets seaweed fertiliser (seasol) once a month or so and also has some long release fertiliser pellets (osmocote).

    Here is the link to the picture showing the 2 SOPs side by side.

    Newly acquired String of Pearls vs current String of Pearls 

    I appreciate any help.

    1. hi Marjorie – From my experience, the pearls tend to get smaller as they age. The 1 that you just bought is nice & plump & green because it’s most likely is young & has been growing in a greenhouse prior to arriving at the nursery. Those are growing conditions that it loves. I only feed my String Of Pearls plants once a year in the spring by the way. Nell

  51. I love those very much, in the end of summer i bought one, they grow well indoors, but i am noticing that they have some small black dry “leaves” where should be new small “beans” and i don’t know what’s wrong for him :/ the other, big beans is ok

    1. Hi Virginija – I love them too. A few dying pearls are no problem as this plant is like any other & normally sheds leaves. If there are a lot, it’s due to inconsistent watering. Nell

  52. Hello, I’ve only recently discovered this plant and love it. Thank you for all your information.
    We went away for 3 days and I moved my plant to what I thought was a better spot while we were away an d have come back to 20 or so peas that are collapsing and look unhealthy. I have moved it back. Do i try and remove the individual pearls? Any ideas on how to help it recover? Thank Karen

    1. Hi Karen – Whether you remove them now or not is up to you – they’ll eventually shrivel up. I usually leave them on until they look really bad. When you remove them, be very careful because the stems easily break. Give your SOP nice bright light & let the soil dry out by at least 3/4 before you water it again. Nell

  53. Hi Nell, I live in a New Zealand, I got my first string of pearls two years ago, I had always wanted one as remember my Nana having one when we were little kids, I finally managed to get my little hands on one, it was about 10cm long a tiny wee thing all the same I was so stoked to finally have one, now two years on, I have made at least 10 plants off it, they are all growing happy and healthy and the plant itself is now just over 90cm! I have it hanging from the roof in a macrame hanger. I enjoyed your read 🙂

    1. Thank you Karen! I’m glad you finally scouted down a SOP. I’ve propagated many of them myself. Sounds like your mother plant is going strong. Happy gardening, Nell

  54. Hi Nell. Being in Minnesota cold and dry with lots of cloudy days this time of year, I’m trying to keep my SOP happy. I’ve had it since last summer where I kept it in too much sun outside for it didn’t grow much but this fall moved it in and finally grew a little. When it got a few flowers on it, I was very pleased and loved the smell so much that I bought another today from my favorite garden center. I am hooked and hopefully they will make it to next Spring when I can take them out with my other whole herd of other plants.

    1. Hi Dian – SOP likes bright light but not no direct hot sun outdoors. I’ve found that they need as much light as possible indoors. Be careful not to overwater them during these winter months, & no fertilizing until spring. The flowers aren’t showy at all but boy do they smell sweet! Happy New Year, Nell

  55. Please let me know how to water string of pearls,should Iwater until water drip down the dranage holes or water when the complety dry, please let me know..

    1. Hi Hung – I water my String Of Pearls well & then let all the water drain out of the holes. I water it again when the soil is almost dry. Nell

    1. Hi Kerri – Oh yes, you can propagate a SOP from the pearls. It’s a slow method of propagation, but it works. Nell

  56. This will be my first attempt at succulents. Im planting a trough. My question is i purchased a raindrop, similar to sop, its in a pot. Can i divide it into smaller separate plants?

    1. Hi Kelly – I’m not sure if you’re talking about Echeveria “Raindrops” or Peperomia “Raindrop”. Do you know which you have? Nell

    1. Hi Tonya – I now use worm compost on all my succulents. You can use it as compost or make a tea out of it. I buy mine locally but you can also find them online.

  57. Hi! I see that you have your pearls in a large planter (with no holes) I just bought mine about 3 weeks ago and have them in a planter as well with 1 part cactus soil mixed with 1 part sand .. There is no drainage but the pot is about 4″ tall. Its hard to tell if the water has tried out completely because the top soil is dry to touch but I can’t tell if the bottom is because of the depth. Is it necessary for the bottom to be dry and if so, how can I tell if it is?

    Thank you for your post!


    1. Hi Valerie – You’re welcome! The large pot that you see in the post has a drain hole at the bottom. It’s hard to tell if it’s dry without sticking your finger all the way down. It’s good for the bottom to dry out so it doesn’t turn “funky” & start to smell. Also, in a pot which is only 4″ deep, the roots of the pearls will eventually reach the bottom. You can always purchase a simple water meter which will help you out. Nell

  58. Hi Nell…..had great success with the pearls but have taken on a new project of epiphylliums…aztec temple and princess kelly. I just planted cutting from a reputible grower today. they said not to water for a month…..any other tips? Thanks!! Freda (Vancouver Island BC Canada)

    1. Hi Freda – I love Epiphyllums. Those bog blooms are gorgeous! They like to stay a bit damp but not soaking wet – you don’t want it to rot out. They need a mix with excellent drainage. I’ve used a combo of succulent mix with bark mulch & a few sprinklings of compost. Bright light but no direct hot sun. And, fertilize your epis (after fully rooted of course) 2x a year. Hope that helps! Nell

  59. I have some Leaves or Pearls that have fallen off my plant. Can I propagate from just the leaves.

    1. Hi Dawn – Yes you can. I’ve always had much more success when I propagate SOP by cuttings though. Nell

  60. Hi Nell!
    I have a 4″ pot string of pearls I got back in October. It did very well all winter and grew lengthwise. Recently, feeling like it looked very sparse up top, I draped some of the strands back into the pot. Since then it has had difficulty draining the soil completely and some strands have rotted. I have pruned the dead bits away and trying to be patient and letting the soil dry out. Do you have any tips on what else I can do to help it get better?


    1. Hi Jenny – I selectively tip prune (by 2-3 pearls) a few stems of my SOPs every couple of months. This encourages them to fill in a bit on top without loosing much of the length. Also, you may need to change the mix – succulent & cactus mix ensures that succulents drain out as they need too. And, back off on the watering in the colder, darker months. Nell

  61. Hi Nell,
    I got string of pearls online. I need your help to grow this. Give me some tips for germination.
    Should I soak these seeds before sowing?
    Till it germinate should I put net above the pot?
    How long it will take for germination?
    Is String of pearls exist in blue color as it mentioned in internet?

    1. Hi Ramya – I’ve only propagated SOP from stem cuttings & the pearls, never by seed. I lived in So Cal from many years & saw many SOP plants at many nurseries. I’ve never seen a blue variety or heard that it exists. Nell

  62. Hi Nell!
    Thanks so much for providing such an informative website and Youtube channel for us newbie plant lovers! I have tried growing the string of pearls plant a few times with no luck. I really love this plant so I’m trying again.

    I think the plant is trying to tell me something. I’ve noticed that the pearls at the ends of the strings are more teardrop shaped than pearl. Does that mean something?

    Also, with all my previous plants, this one included, I’ve noticed that when it starts to die, it starts from the root/soil outwards. I’ve moved recently and this newest plant has only known my new place, which gets a ton of bright light, I have windows in all 4 directions!

    Do you have any ideas on what I may be doing wrong? I try not to water too much, I don’t have it in full sun, I talk to it…

    Thanks again!

    P.S. I’m in Ontario, Canada.

    1. Hi Natasha – Happy to share what I know; & you’re very welcome! The pearls turned teardrop shape & get shriveled when they’re dying. A few strings dying out is normal. There are 2 reasons why people can have problems with SOP indoors – watering too frequently & not enough light. I’ve found that they need watering more frequently than succulents with larger fleshy leaves & stems but are subject to rot. And, water even less frequently in winter. Because of this, the soil needs to drain really well. Mine grows in bright shade outdoors in the desert but indoors they do best in high light. Hope that helps! Nell

  63. Hi Nell! Thank you very much for this post. I just bought a string of pearls and I would like to know how to water it. I mean, do I spray the plant from above with water or inmerse the pot in water so that only the roots get wet?

    Thanks in advance,

    1. Hi Angelica – I just water mine like I do any other plant. They’re growing in very bright natural light & are planted in a light succulent & cactus mix which drains fast. I water until it runs out the bottom & then water again when the plant is dry. Nell

    1. Hi Lila – I so glad to hear that! I have some new SOP posts & videos coming up soon. Happy gardening, Nell

  64. Hi Nell. Thanks for the great information you’ve shared with us. two days ago I bought one of these beautiful String Of Pearls, but unfortunately, in my appartment (and specially in the place that i actually want to hang this flower) there is no light!!:( so… I’m not gonna be able to grow one of these?:( don’t they grew in the shade? or… can i use artificial light? I’d be very thankful if you respond to my question

    1. Hi Mahsa – My String Of Pearls grows in bright light outdoors. I have grown them indoors but in strong natural light. This isn’t a low light houseplant. Outdoors it’s a different story. Honestly, I’ve never grown plants in artificial light so I can’t answer that. Just be sure not to over water it! Nell

  65. hI i’m Sally, I have ben looking all over for this plant, please let me know where I can find one? or a start of one?I would like them in the house & outside. I live in Las Vegas,Nev. Thank You so much for your time .

    1. Hi Sally – If there’s no nursery in Vegas which sells them, try online. Google “String Of Pearls plant for sale” – I know vendors on Etsy & amazon sell them. Nell

  66. Hi Nell – I found your site by searching for pearl chlorophytum seeds because I saw a beautiful blue string of pearls on Etsy and wanted to know about the care of this succulent. The same photo you have of the pot above is being used by Noah’s Seeds from China only it has been photoshopped to be blue. You may already know but in case you don’t I thought I’d share.

    1. Hi Goldy – I did a quick search & couldn’t find the picture. Thanks for letting me know! Nell

  67. I’ve always known them as Christ’s beads. I asked for them at the nursery and they gave me a blank look. Hah! I was told to keep them in a plastic pot because a terrace cotta pot holds too much moisture for it. What is your opinion Nell?

  68. Hi there! I’ve had my String of Pearls indoor in Seattle for a few years, it has grown faster in the summer but been happy year round with direct morning light and indirect light in the hottest points of the day.
    Thanks for such a great article on the care of this plant. It’s one of my favs too!

    1. Hi Melissa – This is a popular plant indeed! I just did 3 updated posts on this plant so you might want to check them out. Many people struggle with them but it sounds like you’ve got the touch. Nell

  69. I know this is an older post.. However, I own a string of pearls succulent plant. It hangs in my kitchen window. I only water it once per week, but all of my strings are drying out and dying.. Any clues as to what I might can do different? Does it need to be outside?

  70. Hi Nell! I love your blog! I just happened upon it. I live in Florida, near the Gainesville area. I love succulents, but I have had a difficult time with them and finding where they like to live. I have a string of pearls I purchased in a 4 inch pot. I love it! I have had it a few weeks, probably 4 or 5. It was sending out new growth so I new I had it in the right place! I planted it into a hanging basket pot and placed small rocks or pebbles around the main plant so the pearls did not touch the soil. I found with my other succulents this is the key to survival. After watching your video, I’m wondering if I should remove the rocks so my little plant can spread or be patient and see what happens. I see these succulent gardens in pots and online, and I just drool over how beautiful they are. My string of pearls is inside, southwest side of my florida room, bright light. My other succulents are now growing nicely, I have placed small rocks around them too. This is where I got the idea for the string of pearls. They are putting out new growth as well. I just dont want to hinder growth with rocks. The humidity and amount of rain were are having lately is a succulents worst nightmare. I do have 2 succulent gardens outside, but they are on my window sill away from direct downpours. Any help from a Florida friend or some expert advice would be awesome. Thank you in advance!


    1. Janna – I’ve grown succulents in dry climates (Southern California & Arizona) for years now. I’m not well versed on growing them in wet, humid climates. String Of Pearls can be so tricky to grow indoors & many people struggle with them. Mine do fine but they’re currently growing outdoors. When growing in its natural environs, SOPs is a ground cover. In theory the rocks should be no problem but when growing indoors I’d have doubts about them. Hopefully someone in FLA will chime in on this! Nell

  71. Hi Nell!
    I have a general question.. nothing related to this post here…
    Is the blue pearl of string plant real?
    I saw many online sites selling the blue pearl chlorophytum bonsai plant seeds
    But I couldn’t find a single post/information online that actually shows that we can grow this blue plant
    I am very curious right now that if all these sites claiming to sell these plants is fake
    I hope you read this comment and feed my curiosity
    Thank you in advance ?

    1. Hi Swapna – Not that I know of. I’ve seen blue bougainvillea seeds sold also but bougies don’t bloom blue. Nell

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