Calandiva Care: How To Grow This Flowering Kalanchoe
Chances are, you’re already familiar with the popular Flowering Kalanchoes. Calandivas, a stunning cultivar of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, are often sold simply as “Calandivas” without mention of their Kalanchoe heritage. That’s why this post is dedicated entirely to Calandiva care, so you have all the information you need for these beautiful blooms.
The blossfeldiana is also called the Florist Kalanchoe or Flaming Katy. It’s been around for a while but the Calandiva was first introduced around 2003. This cheery houseplant has long-lasting blooms that last about 6 to 8 weeks.
Calandivas were bred to grow with larger, double flowers instead of single flowers and are often called the Rosebud Kalanchoe. They can be purchased in a wide array of vibrant colors, and the foliage was bred to be larger and more attractive, too.
Although they do grow outside in temperate climates (I had them growing in pots on my covered front porch in Santa Barbara, CA), this post is focused on growing them as indoor plants.
Note: This post was published on 7/4/2020. It was updated on 7/31/2024.

Calandiva Care Guide
NOTE: Most people treat them as a one-time blooming plant because it’s a little bit tricky to get them to flower again. I’ll share more details on how to get them to bloom again in the “Flowering if you’re interested in that. As an experiment, I grew a Kalanchoe blossfeldiana for over 3 years. It eventually got too thin and leggy, and I set it to rest in the compost pile.
They’re most commonly sold in 4″ and 6″ pots. Occasionally, you can find them in 2″ pots (great for dish gardens and terrariums) and with multiple plants growing in 8″ pots. The average size of a 6″ Calandiva is 18″ x 14″.
Calandiva flowers make any space look brighter and more colorful. They’re available in pink, rose, red, yellow, orange, and shades in between. Around the holidays, they are more readily available in red and white.
Light Requirements
Calandivas thrive in bright, natural, indirect light. Because they’re succulents, they should avoid direct full sun. They’ll burn if they are placed in a hot west—or south-facing window.
If you get one where the flowers are half-open and it’s in low light conditions, it’s not going to open as readily as it would in a brighter location. If the flowers are fully open, then they’ll be fine in lower light for a few weeks.
The more light and heat they’re getting, the faster the flowers will open up and the faster the bloom time will go, just like cut flowers.
Water Requirements
This is essential to Calandiva care, even if you’re keeping yours for just a couple of months like most people do. Succulents rot out quickly, so you don’t want to give yours too much water.
For a 4-inch plant, you might need to water it a little more often than you would a 6-inch plant. This is a general rule with any houseplants.
I water Calandivas in bloom a little bit more often than I do my other succulents. That’s every 7 to 14 days, depending on the season. I don’t let mine go completely dry, but I don’t keep it soaking wet, either.
You might water yours every two weeks. The frequency will vary depending on your temps, light situation, time of year, and the size pot your Calandiva is in.
Another reason not to keep the plant too wet is the foliage. It grows densely, and the lower and inner portions can be subject to powdery mildew and stem rot. It’s best to water the soil mix only and not the foliage.
The decorative pots that I’ve been displaying mine in don’t have drainage holes. I take the plants out of the pots when watering and let the excess water drain out completely before putting the plants back in. You don’t want any water building up in the bottom of the pot or saucer because that will also lead to root rot.
You’ll find additional information in this post: how often to water succulents indoors.

Average home temperatures are just fine for Calandivas. Just be sure to keep them out of cold drafts or away from heat vents. I’ve grown them successfully indoors here in Tucson in both the summer and the winter.
In Santa Barbara, I grew them on my covered front porch, which was protected from direct sunlight and rain. Growing them outdoors for the summer is fine. Just be sure to keep them out of direct sunlight and don’t let them get too much rain. When it’s starting to get cold, bring them inside.
Calandivas prefer average home humidity levels, around 40%. That being said, mine growing in the desert always look good and do well.

Calandivas are usually grown as short-term blooming plants to enjoy. I’ve never fertilized mine while it’s blooming, and that may be the same for you.
I’ve used a balanced fertilizer for my long-term-grown Calandivas. I feed them Maxsea Plant Food, which has a formulation of 16-16-16, every month during the growing season, except when they’re flowering.
You should avoid fertilizing houseplants late in fall or in winter because they don’t need it at this time. Don’t over-fertilize your Calandivas because salts will build up and will burn the roots. This will show up as brown spots on the leaves. Avoid fertilizing a houseplant that is stressed, i.e., bone dry or soaking wet.
Pet Safety
I know many pet owners love plants, and I’m one of them! Like many houseplants, this one is toxic to pets. I always consult the ASPCA website to see how toxic it is and what effect it’ll have. Hopefully, your pets are like my kitties and leave plants alone.

Other blooming plants for your home include phalaenopsis orchids, anthuriums, bromeliads, Christmas cactus, and poinsettias.
Calandivas are grown for their flowers. They look good for 2-3 months after their bloom and then many people get rid of them. If you choose to keep yours for longer, here are a few more Calandiva care points:
Once the blooms have died, you can prune off the entire flower stem.
Kalanchoes can become leggy over time, so you should do some minor pruning and pinch the tip growth to discourage that. This keeps them fuller.
I grew many different types of kalanchoes in my garden in Santa Barbara. Over 200 species are found worldwide. Many succulents grow long stems, and kalanchoes, including Calandivas, are one of them.
Soil / Repotting
Calandivas are succulents, so they like a well-draining soil mix that is light and well-aerated.
If you repot your Calandiva, a suitable mix would be 1/2 succulent & cactus mix and 1/2 potting soil. Using all succulent soil mixed with a bit of compost would also be fine. All potting soil works, but it’s trickier to keep on the dry side, so be sure to mix in pumice or perlite if you have it.
If your Calandiva needs to be repotted, you can use the same pot size or go up one size if needed. In most climate zones, the best time to repot them is during the growing season, spring and summer.
Check out this DIY recipe for making your own succulent and cactus mix. I use it for all my succulent plantings, both indoors and outdoors.
Here’s a post on soil for succulents you can also refer to.
You can propagate kalanchoes by seed, division, or stem and leaf cuttings. I’ve never done it by seed but that method takes the longest.
Division can be done if you easily find a way to separate the plant into 2 or 3 separate ones. Some have multiple plants in one pot, so it won’t be hard at all to divide.
I’ve taken stem cuttings, about 4-5″ long, with the bottom leaves and a few leaves removed, and then healed them off (dry over at the ends) for a week or so. I planted them in succulent and cactus mix, and they rooted in about three weeks. Be sure not to get the foliage wet while they’re rooting.

Calandivas are, for the most part, pest-free. However, they can be subject to aphids and mealybugs, so keep your eyes open for those critters. Catch them before they multiply – houseplant pests can be hard to control if not controlled from the get-go.
The happiest part of Calandiva care is the flowers, which come in a wide variety of colors and will brighten up any room in your home. You can deadhead the flowers as they die to make the plant look better.
Calandivas bloom for 6-8 weeks. That can vary a bit depending on how open the flowers were when you bought the plant and how warm your home is. As with any flowering plant, the hotter your home is, the faster the flowers will open up and the shorter the period of bloom will be.
Getting them to rebloom is the tricky part. It’s not always easy to do. These plants are photoperiodic. Photoperiodism is common with other short-bloom plants like Poinsettias. This means that they require short days and long nights, anywhere from 12 to 14 hours of darkness to rebloom.

That means you’ll have to put your Calandiva in a closet, dark room you don’t use at night, or cover it with a box or paper bag to block the light. They also require a rest period, so you want to reduce the watering at this time. It takes some effort, and the plant gets thin over time, which is why most don’t keep a Calandiva as a long-term houseplant.
My Calandivas growing outside in Santa Barbara would bloom on their own in late winter and early spring because they were getting that longer period of darkness naturally. The subsequent rounds of flowers were always a bit smaller than when I initially bought them.
The foliage grows densely, so some of the flowers will have a hard time emerging. I’ll remove a few of the leaves to give the buds a little more room to open up.
Growers force the flowering period to happen at all times of year, which is why they’re available for us to purchase whenever we want.
Flowering Kalanchoes require the same care as Calandivas. You can’t go wrong with either one!
Calandiva Care Video Guide
Calandiva Care FAQs
Yes, it is a tender, succulent perennial. Many treat them as annuals so they often thought as such.
I’ve kept one for three years, mainly to see how long it would look good.
They are now readily available in many places. I’ve seen them at local nurseries, Trader Joe’s, Lowe’s, and Home Depot. You can find them for sale online also.
Calandivas are commonly sold as indoor plants. In more temperate climates (zones 10a-11b), they grow outdoors. They can’t tolerate extreme temperatures. When I lived in Santa Barbara, I grew them in pots on my covered front porch in partial shade year-round.
You could put yours outdoors for the summer, but make sure it’s in bright light but out of direct sun. Don’t let it get too wet. Bring it inside before the temperatures dip below 45F.
There are many different species and varieties of Kalanchoes. A Calandiva is a type (or cultivar) of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. Calandivas have double flowers and more robust foliage.
Calandivas can vary in size, depending on the size of the pot. A typical 6″ plant is 18″ tall x 14″ wide. They are tabletop plants.
It takes a bit of doing, but if you’re interested, check under “Flowering”.
Indoors, this beautiful plant needs bright indirect sunlight in a medium—to high-light location to keep it looking good. Just make sure it’s not sitting in hot windows or getting too much direct sunlight.

Grandivas were introduced about 10 years later, but now they all fall under the Calandiva or Diva brand name. You can read about the history of the brand here, in case you’re interested. It sounds like some single flowers are now included under the name, too. Regardless, the care is the same for all of them.
The great news is that you can find these lovely plants in a wide range of colors year-round. Calandiva care is simple and straightforward. Their vibrant blooms make them a joy to have in any space!
Happy gardening,

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