Chinese Evergreen Care: Tips For Growing An Aglaonema
Do you love houseplants with striking, patterned foliage? Let me introduce you to Aglaonemas—the ultimate showstoppers when it comes to decorative foliage. Not only are they visually stunning, but they’re also one of the easiest houseplants to care for, making them a good choice for beginners. With these Chinese Evergreen care and growing tips, you’ll have everything you need to help your plant thrive.
Years ago, in the interior landscaping biz, Aglaonemas were the go-to plants for file cabinets and office credenzas. Despite the less-than-ideal conditions of artificial lighting and dry indoor air, these tropical plants handled it like champs. I’ve always been fond of their beautiful foliage, so I figured it was time to dedicate a post to them. They’re easy to find and easy to care for—a winning combo!
Aglaonema plants are commonly referred to as Chinese Evergreens. Initially, this name specifically applied to Aglaonema commutatum, but over time, it became the go-to term for the entire group. This likely happened because so few varieties were available back in the day. Their common name is also shortened to “Ags”.

This is my Aglaonema Silver Bay. It sits on the floor in our living room & I love looking down on this gorgeous foliage.
Chinese Evergreen Care Guide
This popular houseplant is most commonly used as a tabletop plant. The larger varieties are low, wide floor plants with a rounded form. Besides offices, we used them in lobbies, malls, and even airports. They make fine underplantings for tall floor plants and are also seen in dish gardens and living walls.
They’re sold in 4, 6, 8, 10 and 14″ grow pot sizes. They range in height from 10″ to 3-4′, typically as wide as they are high. My Aglaonema Silver Bay in a 10″ grow pot is 3′ x 3′.
When I worked in the interiorscaping trade many years ago, the Silver Queen, Chinese Evergreen (A. commutatum), and the Roebellini were the three Aglaonemas to buy. Now, many varieties, leaf sizes, shapes, colors, and patterns are on the market. A sampling: Aglaonema Maria, Silver Bay, Siam Aurora, Emerald Beauty, Golden Bay, Romeo, Pink Valentine, Tricolor, White Calcite, and First Diamond.
I have two colorful varieties, Aglaonema Siam Aurora and Aglaonema Lady Valentine.
Growth Rate
Aglaonemas have a slow to moderate growth rate. My Silver Bay (which puts out new growth like crazy in the warmer months) and Red Agalonema grow faster than my Maria (sometimes called Emerald Beauty).
Agalonemas, like any other houseplant, will grow slower in low light.

Chinese Evergreen Growing Tips
Many Aglaonemas are known for their ability to thrive in lower light conditions. In my experience, those with dark green leaves and less variegation—like my Aglaonema Maria—adapt best to low light (which, to be clear, doesn’t mean no light!).
On the other hand, my Aglaonema Red and Pink Valentine, and other colorful varieties need bright, indirect light to maintain their vibrant hues and overall health. While they can tolerate higher light levels, keep them away from direct sunlight, as intense sun can scorch their leaves in no time.
If your Aglaonema isn’t getting enough light, you’ll likely notice its leaves losing their variegation and color, along with smaller, weaker growth.
I water mine when the potting mix is almost dry. That tends to be every 7-9 days in the warmer months and every 10 -14 days when winter comes around. It’s hard for me to tell you often to water your Aglaonema because many variables come into play. Here are a few: the pot size, the type of soil it’s planted in, the location where it’s growing, and your home’s environment.
Make sure the pot it’s planted in has at least one drainage hole so the excess water can freely flow out. This prevents water from building up in the bottom, which can lead to root rot.
Water less often in the colder months. Here’s a post on Winter Houseplant Care full of tips.
You can read my Guide to Watering Indoor Plants to get a better idea when determining a watering schedule.

Darker leaved varieties like this Ag. Maria can tolerate lower light conditions.
If your home is comfortable for you, it’ll be so for your houseplants too. Just be sure to keep your Aglaonemas away from cold drafts and air conditioning or heating vents.
Chinese Evergreen plants originate from subtropical and tropical regions, yet they’re surprisingly adaptable and thrive in our homes and offices, even with dry indoor air. Here in hot, arid Tucson, my Aglaonemas have only developed a few tiny brown tips.
If your Aglaonema seems stressed due to low humidity, try placing its pot on a pebble tray or saucer filled with water. Just be sure the drainage holes or the bottom of the pot aren’t sitting directly in water, as this can lead to root rot.
Misting the leaves a few times a week can also help boost humidity levels. Check out our guide on Houseplant Humidity.
We have a long growing season here in Tucson, from mid-February through October. I will fertilize with Grow Big, Liquid Kelp, and Maxsea or Sea Grow five to seven times during the growing season (mainly spring and summer). I alternate these liquid fertilizers and don’t use them all together.
When my plants start putting out new growth and new leaves, it’s my sign to start feeding. The start date will be later for you in a different climate zone with a shorter season. Feeding two or three times yearly with a houseplant fertilizer may be enough for your plants.
Fertilizing too often or with too great a fertilizer ratio can cause salts to build up and eventually cause root and leaf burn. This will show up as brown spots and edges on the leaves. If you fertilize more than three times a year, you can try using the fertilizer at half-strength. The label on the jar or bottle will guide you.
It’s best to avoid fertilizing a stressed houseplant, ie, bone dry or soaking wet. More on fertilizing houseplants here.

You want to use peat-based potting soil formulated for indoor plants that yields good drainage. I alternate between Happy Frog and Ocean Forest, sometimes mixing them. Both have lots of good components.
Like other houseplants, Ags don’t like a heavy mix and do best in well-draining soil. I up the ante on the aeration and drainage factors, which lessens the chance of root rot, by adding some pumice (my preferred) or perlite.
A blend of 3 parts potting soil to 1 part pumice or perlite should be fine. If it still needs lightening up, add a bit more. I also mix in a couple of handfuls of worm compost and compost to add richness and nourishment.
Repotting / Transplanting
The best time to repot houseplants is in spring or summer, when they grow actively. If you live in a warm climate, early fall can also work. The faster your plant grows, the sooner it will need repotting.
Last fall, I repotted my Red Aglaonema into a larger pot after noticing its roots emerging from the bottom of the grow pot. My other three Aglaonemas haven’t outgrown their containers yet, but since they’ve been in the same pots for 3-5 years, I plan to freshen the soil this spring to keep them happy and healthy.
When repotting, always choose a pot with drainage holes to prevent excess water buildup, which can lead to root rot. It’s best to move up one pot size from the current pot. If the roots are tightly packed, gently loosen the root ball with your hands before placing it into fresh soil.
We have a guide to repotting plants, which I think you’ll find helpful, especially if you’re a beginner gardener.
An aglaonema plant doesn’t require much pruning. The main reasons to prune are for propagation, to cut back overgrown stems, or to prune off the occasional lower yellow leaf (mature plants grow densely, so the lower leaves get crowded out by the upper leaves) or spent flower.
Make sure your pruners are clean and sharp before you do any pruning to ensure clean cuts.

Oh my goodness, Aglaonema First Diamond is quite the looker for you fans of green & white!
I’ve always propagated Chinese Evergreens by division, and it’s worked beautifully every time. If your plant starts to get leggy, simply cut the stems down to a few inches above the soil line—this will help rejuvenate the plant and encourage fresh, bushy growth. Trim the stem cuttings back to 4-8 inches, and propagate them in a light, well-draining mix.
I’ve also experimented with rooting Aglaonema cuttings in water. They developed roots just fine, but I never got around to planting them in soil since I ended up giving them away. I’m not entirely sure how well they transition from water to soil long-term, but it’s definitely worth a try if you’re curious!
My Ags have never had pest issues, but while working on commercial accounts, I came across Aglaonemas with mealybugs and spider mites. These are the most common culprits, but it’s also good to keep an eye out for aphids and scale.
I’ve written posts on mealybugs, aphids, spider mites, and scale, so be sure to check those out to help you identify and treat pests.
They can spread quickly from plant to plant, so acting fast at first sighting is important. Catching them early on makes all the difference in keeping your houseplants healthy.
Keeping plants clean helps them look better and improves their health. If dirt/dust builds up on their leaves, it can impede their breathing.
I use a soft, damp cloth to wipe the leaves or take them to the kitchen sink or shower to spray them off. Don’t use commercial leaf shine, because it blocks the pores. Often, plants have greenhouse residue on their leaves, so it’s best to clean them soon after bringing them home.
More on houseplant cleaning.
Pet Safety
Chinese Evergreens are considered toxic to pets. I consult the ASPCA website on this subject and see in what way the plant is toxic. Here’s more info on this.

The spathe flower of my Aglaonema Siam Red. The stems are a beautiful pink color.
Oh yes! They are a spathe type flower which you see above. All my aglaonemas flower, typically in late spring and summer and are long lasting. The spathe is light green and the spadix (the center part) is white. The flowers of my Ag. Maria are much smaller, shorter lived, and more of an ivory color.
I’ve heard that removing the flowers is good because they zap energy from the plant. I leave them on and haven’t found that to be true. I cut them off (down to the base) when the spathe and spadix are both dead.
I live in a sunny climate and my house has lots of windows. Moving yours to a brighter location (but not in a hot, sunny window) may help yours to flower too.
More easy office/desk plants: 15 Easy Care Office Plants for Your Desk

Here’s another spathe flower – the very popular Spathiphyllum or Peace Lily. I think this is harder to maintain than an Aglaonema. Plus, where’s the jazzy foliage?
Chinese Evergreen Care FAQs
Why are my Aglaonema’s leaves turning yellow?
A few things can cause yellow leaves. The most common are too dry, too wet or a pest infestation. If the leaves at the base of the stem are occasionally turning yellow, no worries as this is the normal growth habit of this plant. Improper watering is the biggest cause. Check the soil moisture before watering and ensure the soil yields proper drainage.
Why does my Aglaonema have brown tips?
Small brown tips on Aglaonema leaves are often in response to dry indoor air and low humidity, which is common in most homes. They can also be caused by a buildup of minerals from tap water or over-fertilizing. To prevent this, try using filtered or distilled water instead of tap water. Be mindful of how often you fertilize—either reduce the frequency or dilute the fertilizer to half strength to avoid overfeeding.
How can I make my Aglaonema bushier?
Aglaonemas tend to get leggy over time. Prune leggy stems to encourage new growth and a fuller shape. I tip prune my agalonemas after flowering to make them stay bushier. If needed, rotating your Aglaonemas every few months so they get sunlight from all sides can also help them grow more evenly.
Video Guide
Conclusion: Aglaonemas, Ags, Chinese Evergreens—whatever you call them, these plants are truly a must-have for any indoor gardener. Their stunning foliage and low-maintenance nature make them a wonderful addition to any home or office, bringing color and vibrancy to your space.
With the proper care, you can grow and enjoy these beautiful plants!
Happy gardening,

Thanks for your article this is extremely helpful. I’m experiencing some issues with my Chinese evergreen “silver bay” and came here for help. The leaves are losing their color and some are turning brown. I’ve eliminated any bugs since there’s so sign of that. And I don’t think it’s water or sunlight related since I’ve tried a few different methods over the last month. I’ve resorted today to repotting with fresh soil. But, I am still unsure why this happened if I should prune the plant at all? Or, wondering if I should use fertilizer or any sprays? I’d love for your advice!
Keri – Sounds like a watering issue. I don’t fertilize my houseplants but I do feed them with worm compost & Eleanor’s. Nell
I just received one as a gift; thank you for all the useful information! I had no idea how to care for it, as there was no little card in the pot.
You’re welcome Joyce! Just know that if you have 1 with a lot of variegation in the leaves (white, pink or red) it’ll need a bit more light. Nell
Thank you for the great information. I have a Siam Red Ag which I’ve had for several years. When it gets any height to it, it leans over. Are they supposed to grow straight up, or is being ‘top heavy’ normal? It’s not really losing its lower leaves except occasionally.
Hi Cathy – This variety doesn’t have really strong stems. I know, I have one! They tend to get top-heavy & lean as they age. Nell
Thank you for this very informative page…….I do have a question: I am a novice gardener and have a Siam with pink/green leaves and bunches of the white flower stems, but just before the white flower is about to open up, it turns a dark brown and dies. The plant is healthy and produces new leaves regularly, but why are the curved flowers dying off just before they open? Thank you! Marilyn in central Florida.
Hi Marilyn – A few common reasons why: It could be too much water, too much fertilizer or water with too high a mineral content. Nell
The last few years my Chinese evergreen flowers turn brown before they ever bloom…the leaves are great, but I miss the flowers!
Oh dear! Most of my Ags are flowering now so I can see why you’d miss them. Nell