Herb Gardening In Pots For Beginners


Both clay pots and plastic pots work well for herbs  or you can try out hanging baskets. Just make sure that whatever container you use has plenty of drainage holes to prevent soggy soil.

Most herbs grow best in full sun and should receive at least 6 to 8 hours of sun daily. If you have a sunny porch or patio, that’s a great spot to keep herbs

Many potting mixes have nutrients added to support plant growth. But if you want to boost your plants, try mixing a handful or two of organic compost or worming castings into your soil before planting your herbs!

Mint is tasty in desserts and herbal teas, but it’s a bit notorious in gardens. When planted in inground beds, mint can spread and outcompete other plants, but mint plants are much more manageable in container gardens.

Once you’ve harvested a few leaves from your herbs, most herbs will produce even more leaves and come back bushier, but you shouldn’t harvest more than 1/3 of your plant at a time.

Use link below for full guide on Herb Gardening In Pots

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