Anthurium Care: A Comprehensive Guide for Indoor Gardeners

Anthuriums are slow to moderate growers. If the conditions are to their liking, they’ll grow faster. When light levels are too low, the growth rate will be slow to none.

They prefer moderate or medium light & need this exposure to bloom. Near but not in a window is good. If the light is low, your plant will show little if any growth & there won’t be any flowering.

The more light & warmth, the more often yours will need watering. Back off on the frequency in the winter. Plants need to rest at this time of year plus the light levels & temps tend to be lower.

If the leaves of yours are showing tiny brown tips, that’s a reaction to the dry air in our homes.

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If you think yours look stressed due to lack of humidity, fill the saucer with pebbles & water. Misting a few times a week should help out too.

Anthuriums prefer a soil mix suited for epiphytes. Something which is coarse, porous & rich.

Repotting is best done in spring or summer; early fall is fine if you’re in a warm climate. The faster your plant is growing, the sooner it’ll need repotting.

Use link below for full guide on Anthurium Care

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