Most gardeners enjoy beautiful flowers in their yards. If you’re the same way, you should consider plants that can thrive in a sunny location throughout the summer.
The Angelonia maintains a bushy, rounded form, and some varieties cascade. The flowers come in shades of white, pink, blue, and purple with a light fruity scent.
The Calibrachoa is a favorite for garden walls, hanging baskets, and window boxes. They bloom non-stop all season long into fall. Although they look like mini-petunias, they don’t require deadheading, nor do they have sticky leaves.
There are different varieties of Celosia – plumed, wheat, and crested. They provide a continuous bloom from early summer right on through to the first frost.
The cosmos are a good choice if you want a delicate-looking flower in your garden. White, pink, orange, yellow, and scarlet are the colors you can expect to see.
Dahlias are stunning tuberous plants, and often sold in 4? and 6 packs. If you live in a colder climate and don’t want to dig the tubers up and overwinter them, buying them in pots or treating them as annuals is the way to go.
There are so many daisy-like flowers on the market. You can find perennial daisies and tender perennial daisies sold as annuals. I wanted to include these cheery flowers because they’ve been a favorite in gardens for a long time.
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