Pink Agalonema Care & Growing Guide

Here’s a guide on how to care for Aglaonema Lady Valentine (Pink Agalonema) with growing tips and advice,

Most aglaonemas are known to be slow-growing plants. Mine is in a very bright exposure and has been growing moderately. As with any indoor plant, the lower the light, the slower the growth rate will be.

The Pink Agalonemas and others that have more color and brightness in their foliage need medium to high light to do and look their best. Bright indirect sunlight is what they like.

I water mine when it’s almost dry. Here in the desert during the warm months, it’s every 5-7 days, and in the winter months, every 10-14 days.

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I give my Aglaonema Lady Valentine a watering with Grow Big, liquid kelp, and Maxsea five to seven times during the growing season. By the way, I alternate these liquid fertilizers and don’t use them all together.

Aglaonemas, like other indoor plants, don’t like a heavy soil mix. You want it to be well-draining and well-aerated. Add in pumice or perlite to lessen the chance of rot.

Use link below for full guide on Aglaonema Lady Valentine

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