5 Easy Steps To Making A Living Succulent Wreath

As you know, I’m a succulent maniac. I have a lot of them planted in my garden and in pots. I jump at the opportunity to make anything using these interesting, durable and visually diverse plants. Alright already, it’s about time I make 1 of these wreaths!  Succulents are fun to look at and easy to maintain which makes them so fitting for this project.   So drumroll please, today I want to show you how I make a living succulent wreath, using plants, in 5 easy steps.

living succulent wreath craft

Here are the main ingredients I used to make my living masterpiece.

You’ll need:

–> A living wreath wire form (I used a 12″).  Make sure you get 1 you can plant in, not a flat form. I needed to attach a hanger but some already come with 1.

–> Preserved sheet moss.  

–>  A variety of succulents.  I used 16 of the 2″ pot size.

–>  Greening pins.  These are what holds the moss in place – you’ll see me using them in the video.

Here I am at my work table in the garage guiding you through this living succulent wreath project:

I made a festive grapevine wreath with succulent cuttings which I posted back in December.  I’ve also made 1 using a sphagnum moss wreath form which I don’t like as much as these wire wreath forms.  These wire forms come in a variety of sizes, shapes, including square and heart, as well as a variety of planting depths and widths.  The 1 I used was a bit on the tight side so I used 2″ succulents.  The 1″ size would have been fine too.

Here are the steps to take:

living succulent wreath DIY

1- Line the wire wreath form with the moss.  Tip:  wet the moss to make it more pliable.  Don’t worry if the moss doesn’t look neat & even because it doesn’t grow in nature that way.  Just make sure the bottom & sides of the form are lined & that you have enough moss to fold over & cover the root balls of the plants.

living succulent wreath DIY

2 – Lay the plants out around the wreath form to determine what pattern is pleasing to you.  Tip: use succulents which all stay rather low & tight (more in a rosette) rather than ones that grow taller with a stem.  That way your wreath will keep a much better form over time.

living succulent wreath DIY

3- Compact the root ball of the plants by lightly pressing them in your hands to get them in the form.  Tip: if you water your succulents before doing this it’s much easier.  I had to do this because the planting well of the form I used was relatively small.  Don’t worry because succulents are tough & can handle a gentle massage!  Your may not need to do this if your form has a larger planting space.  Either way, you’re bound to make a big mess like I did.

living succulent wreath

4- After all your succulents are in (I needed to add 1 more at the end – you see it in the video) then fold the moss that’s hanging over the edges back over the soil of the root balls.  Tip:  greening pins make it very easy, just fold & pin, to secure the moss.  Make sure you push the pins all the way down into the soil so the moss holds tightly in place.  You may need to go back over  & patch some pieces of moss over any exposed areas of soil as you want it completely covered with moss.

living succulent wreath

5- Although I have the wreath hanging in this pic, I immediately laid it down my back patio.  This Is The Biggest Tip: make sure your wreath lays flat for at least 1 month, preferably 2, as the roots settle in.  You don’t want to hang it on your door or wall & have it completely fall apart.  Also, keep it out of any direct hot sun.

I adjusted the succulents a bit to angle them the way I wanted them to grow.  This also makes for a bit more interest rather them having them all lined up and growing in a perfect circle.  I don’t water the wreath for about a week (remember, I watered the succulents before planting them in the form) and after that time, give it a good drink.

By the way, this living succulent wreath project took me about 45 minutes so it’s a quick one.  I do a lot with succulents and am always looking for some creative way to use them.  How about you – do you have succulent mania too?  If so, we’re definitely not alone on this one!

Happy gardening,

Nell's signature
living succulent wreath


7 Hanging Succulents To Love

How Much Sun Do Succulents Need?

How Often Should You Water Succulents? 

Succulent and Cactus Soil Mix for Pots

How to Transplant Succulents into Pots

Aloe Vera 101: A Round Up of Aloe Vera Plant Care Guides

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  1. Nell, I’m a SAHM and trying to do something with my spare time (is there really such thing?!) and would like to start trying crafting. My 3yo son and I picked out some 2″ succulents the other day, but I am having a heck of a time finding an indented wire wreath form. Where did you get yours? I’ve tried Home Depot, Lowes, Dollar Tree, and Michaels. I’ve found several flat wreaths, but none that are indented/deep. I even asked my husband to help me try to reform one of the flat ones to be more of a pocket-shape, but the wire broke.
    Thanks for your help!!

    1. Hi Alaina – I’m in the midst of preparing for a big move (the movers come Sat. morning!) so there’s no spare time for me these days. I got mine at a local garden center here in Santa Barbara but try Michael’s, Joann’s or Hobby Lobby. Online craft stores will have them (here’s a link: http://www.save-on-crafts.com/wreatswagmak.html) but you may have to call them to make sure it has the indent. Hope that helps! Nell

  2. Question: I live in New Jersey where the weather gets cold will the plants be ok or do I have to bring it in during the winter months?

    1. Hi Damaris – I was born & raised in New England so I’m familiar with those winter months. It’s way to cold for 95% of the succulents to survive so bring the plants in when the temps dip below 40-45 degrees. Nell

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